
Massage in Belgrade

The modern way of life in a big city requires you to deal with stressful changes, stabilize defense energy of the body, improve health, preserve youth as well as psychological and physical well-being.

Whether you live in Belgrade or visit for work, it is an ideal opportunity to clean your body of toxins and feel the benefits of relaxation.

If you want to find out more about the types of massages we serve here in Belgrade and prices of individual treatments, please contact us. We are waiting for you in the most beautiful part of Belgrade, on Ada Ciganlija.

Massage as a medicine

The most natural and quickest way to preserve energy balance is achieved by receiving massage that activates the sense of touch which in return gives us the sense of security and peace. In times of the long-term state of tension (stress), adrenal gland begins to secrete the hormone called cortisol, which helps us function during the stress period. However, if there is increased production of cortisol, the immune system gets affected, hence reducing the quality of connective tissue and skin tone.

Scientific evidence shows that massage reduces the amount of cortisol but also that during the next 24-48 hours a certain amount of cortisol restores. It is, therefore, essential that, at the time of acute stress, a person receives three massages a week for the period of 21 days, which will constantly decrease cortisol levels and bring the body into balance.

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By receiving massage, the secretion of histamine (hormone) gets triggered, which in return dilates blood vessels, reduces inflammation and the sensation of pain, positively affecting blood circulation and the operation of the lymph nodes, and enhancing the secretion of the hormone serotonin (hormone of happiness) and endorphins (it helps to reduce the pain perception). Massage holds a special role in a continuous race against time. It helps with an often forgotten aspect of life: enjoying life.

How much does a massage cost in Belgrade?

If you are from abroad and you’re just visiting, you’re lucky. Full body treatments are fairly affordable, and we offer best massages in Belgrade.

For individual massage prices, see our price list, although depending on your needs, you can get special benefits as a member of our club. You may want to consider joining if you stay in Belgrade often.

For more information on membership and massage prices, contact us.

Encourages relaxation of the body

Relaxing your mind and body is the first step to a healthier lifestyle!

It brings psychophysical balance

Body massage improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles, relieves headaches, strengthens the immune system …

It speeds up the process of post-operative rehabilitation and recovery

with different types of injuries. Massage stimulates the blood supply (oxygen and nutrients) to the tissues and vital organs, and thus accelerates the process of regeneration and recovery of the injured body parts.

Relieves pain in chronic conditions

migraines, arthritis, spondylosis, scoliosis, spasms …

It frees you from emotional blocks

Sadness, fear, anger … These are the emotions that carry a negative sign and it is in human nature to fight them. Rather allowing ourselves plenty of time to “absorb”, we push them and store in our mental, emotional or physical body. With the help of massage we can live repressed emotions and deal with burdens they carry.

It improves the flow of vital energy

Body health depends on the flow of vital life energy through all its parts. Its stagnation or blockage leads our natural body towards disease. With a regular massage it is easy and pleasant to establish its smooth flow, and thus the smoother functioning of our own being.

Establishes psychophysical balance

It improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles, relieves headaches, strengthens the immune system …

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