Bio-regenerative / Aroma Massage



Traditional massage technique which enables defence mechanisms and models which have been created in moments of different fights or emotional shocks (usually in childhood) when that was the only posible wayfor a person to feel protected. Of course, it is an apparent protection, as in this way chronicle tension spots are created which are very often placed deep in the tissue. In this way, a possibility  of an innate vital response of our body is blocked, which results in a decreased sense of satisfaction and joy of life.

Energy aromatherapy relieves such blockages, it reduces the tension and creates space for expressing emotions and the flow of life energy. Five different massage techniques (according to five different personality types) cannot be applied in a schematic way, but each person is treated individually and by using certain essential oils a special technique is created with a deep holistic and multi-dimensional meaning.

It is designed for people who are willing to establish a profound contact with themselves and who have already been trained through other massage techniques (globwell, body wrap, psycho-therapy…).

Additional information

  • Price: RSD 4.500
  • Duration: 60-90 min

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