Shilly Shally Treatment

Shilly Shally treatment

 Lifting treatment adapted to your skin type

Efficient stimulation of cell regeneration, especially in the areas of the hightened sensitivity ( the region around the eyes and the mouth) and establishing a balance of the disturbed metabolic processes in the skin, are the reasons this treatment is intended for various skin types.

Shilly Shally products are especially efficient in skin detoxification and tonification, restoring its elasticity and stimulating the functions of the epidermis, slowing down skin sagging and softening the signs of aging. This effect is obtained through soy and rice proteins which have a special effect on tonifying connective tissue, and the results of straightening and correcting expressive wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes and mouth are visible IMMEDIATELY. At the same time, due to its strong detoxifying effect, dark circles under the eyes are reduced or they disappear completely. This is the reason why Shilly Shally treatmen is indespensible in special occasions when a person is in the spotlight: photo shooting, large gatherings, ceremonies, filming…

*The specific part of this treatment is a sticky massage which is performed by using special movements, which activate dormant tissue, thus stimulating natural biological functions.  *

Recommendation for further care: Shilly Shallymetabolic activator, Aurum day and night cream, Ace Antiaging (Restitutiva) cream, Ridensificante (Special)cream, Anti-aging drops, Serums: Active serum gel, Mineral-vitamin integrator.

Additional information

  • Price: RSD 2.200
  • Duration: 45 min

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