Purifying Tretman

Purifying Treatment

– Treatment for oily skin (normalizing sebaceous secretion –oily skin, open or large pores, acne)

Excessive sebum secretion causes the formation of open pores, comedones, frequent inflammation (acne), keratosis. The combination of glycolic and fruit acid based products in this treatment help gentle exfoliation remove a dead layer of cells and enable good blood circulation and hydration. Due to the high level of tannins (granular rosemary) the regular use of cream leads to the regulation of sebum secretion, whereas extracts of camphor, rose and sage, as the main ingredients of an ampoule and masks, have an astringent, bactericidal, soothing and moisturizing effect. Depending on the needs you may have, a series of treatment can be done (series  of 4-12).

Recommendation for further care:  Oxygenating (AHA) cream, Purificante ampulae, Shilly Shally metabolic activator, Purifying mask, SPA MUD mask.

Additional info

  • Price: RSD 2.500,00
  • Duration: 60 min

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