Rehidra Treatment

Rehydra Treatment

Treatment for dehydrated skin (skin hydration)

The main goal for every skin type is: keep the skin hydrated. A protective layer of the skin if formed and keptin this way, which maintains its natural defence mechanism. As a part of the treatment  a honey face mask, which will restore moisture to the skin, will be used because honey regenerates new cells to surface and increases the hyaluronic acid which has the great ability ofhydration.  Thanks to aloe and macadamia (moisturizing and skin regeneration), and ginseng which stimulates the renewal of all skin levels, Idratante serum and cream will provide the skin with sufficient blood flow and hydration after the treatment.

Recommendation for further care: Rehydra (Idratante)cream , Superidratante ampulae, Hydra drops, Serums: Lifting progress, Mineral-vitamin integrator, Active serum gel.

Additional info

  • Price: RSD 2.500,00
  • Duration: 60 min

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